Posts Categorized: Patagonia

Oceans and Mountains

Santiago is a city unlike any other I’ve been in. It seems to be right on the threshold of the Global South and Global North- while stray dogs and broken glass are an integral part of the city, so is fantastic public transportation and not-overtly-corrupt police officers. There were aspects that reminded me a lot of […]

Conquer No Mountains

TREKKING PART 2 Meditation of the day: “It is not the mountains we conquer but ourselves.” -Sir Edmund Hillary Started with this picture because it was hands-down the best view from a hike I’ve ever been on. The picture doesn’t begin to capture the feeling of being there. But I’ll get to all that. After […]

At Sunrise

Trekking Part 1 The trek begins! After spending a night in a hostel so noisy I couldn’t fall asleep, I caught a very early bus into Torres Del Paine National Park to begin trekking. Because I was exhausted from being kept awake all night, I was planning to sleep on the bus, but the incredible mountain […]


After a few days in the Magellan region of Chile, we arrived in Puerto Natales, a small town in the southern part of Chilean Patagonia. This town is the closest civilization to a large national park where we’ll be trekking, even though it’s still 200km away from the park. We took a 3.5 hour bus […]

Strait of Magellan

After over a day of travel, we finally reached the Strait of Magellan. Initial thoughts: it is quite cold here, even though it’s the middle of summer. It’s also incredibly windy, and I hear it’ll be even windier on our trek. The town is a lot less touristy than I would’ve thought, and it seems to […]