Posts Categorized: Fulbright Orientation

Here’s to Us

A few weeks after I had been notified that I was selected as a Fulbright grantee, my aunt sent me a new article about another Fulbrighter who would be joining me in Nepal. Heart racing, I analyzed that article the way a chess player does before taking a move. The Fulbrighter, J, had an impressive […]

The Sacrificial Temple

Most Hindu temples I’ve been in have a light, joyful feeling to them; people greeting each other and feeding pigeons. Dakshinkali, the sacrificial temple, does not. The goddess worshiped here, Kali, is revered for her elimination of evil, and the temple’s atmosphere very much reflected that destructive nature of the goddess. The temple is open for sacrifices […]

Sunrise Under Mountains

I completed my first on-the-job trek. It was pretty incredible. Our first night, it was thundering (fun fact: that’s pronounced “gar-dung gar-dune gar-nu” in Nepali) and we had difficulty find a room, because all of the places my colleagues remembered had fallen down in the earthquake. It was actually quite sobering; we stood in the […]

Stupas and Neighborhoods

A few more short stories: The other day after work, we ended up at a little neighborhood in the north called Bouddha. This community is known for their incredible Stupa. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A few of us headed over there to explore and grab some dinner at a famous tourist restaurant (we break […]

I’m doing just fine

Everything’s going really well here. It perhaps seems unbelievable, but the adjustment so far has been remarkably easy. It could be because I’m still in the honeymoon period, but I feel like I have a good sense of both the positives and negatives of my life. Anyway, here’s some short tales of my time so […]