Posts Categorized: Food

Holidays Abroad

Here’s a secret that we can never mention again: I cried on Thanksgiving in front of a room full of strangers. I was helping my family cook and serve dinner for 30 election officials who were staying at the school for the elections. It was so cold that night, and it was really late, and […]

Another Unexpected Post

I’m back! Just when you thought you could get rid of me, I’m sneaking another guest blog post in. That’s right, Katie’s dad here to rob you of a few more precious minutes of your time. Think of me as a bad rash—I may go away for a while, but I always return. When you […]

Time to Eat

“Have you eaten rice yet?” is the most common greeting in Nepal. Food is a huge part of the culture. Ironically, today is the day when women abstain from food and drink in hopes of blessing their husbands with long lives, so I have not eaten rice today. Nepalis eat the same meal twice a […]

Food, Indirectly

Cooking At the Fulbright offices, we’re spoiled with a chef that cooks the most amazing food. He’s an amazing, funny man. His late wife was the previous chef, but she tragically passed away in the earthquake. A friend and I asked for the opportunity to observe our chef as he prepared our lunch one day. […]