Posts Categorized: Health and Safety

Three Shadows in Unfamiliar Hills

There is a pressing issue facing Nepali society, but I was never really that interested in it: Over 10% of Nepalis (and over 50% of young men) are currently working abroad. In addition to the “brain drain”, where Nepal’s brightest minds go to live permanently in other countries, many low skilled workers are attracted to […]

The Night Sky

I would often go outside after dinner to take pictures of the stars. Since there was no electricity, the bright stars contrasted profound, all-encompassing darkness around me. I loved astrophotography. I would return to my house talking about different constellations and showing my host mom and sister the wonders my camera could capture that our eyes […]

Every Month

I shook my head as my student ushered me into her home. “I can’t come into your house because I’m menstruating.” I explained as she started to walk into her one-room house. “It’s ok, though. I’ll sit outside.” Khabita frowned but nodded. She brought a cup of tea out to where I was sitting on […]

Another Unexpected Post

I’m back! Just when you thought you could get rid of me, I’m sneaking another guest blog post in. That’s right, Katie’s dad here to rob you of a few more precious minutes of your time. Think of me as a bad rash—I may go away for a while, but I always return. When you […]

Just Listen

This post deals with suicide. If you need help, please call the national suicide hotline: 1-800-273-TALK [8255].