Monthly Archives: March 28, 2017

Stupas and Neighborhoods

A few more short stories: The other day after work, we ended up at a little neighborhood in the north called Bouddha. This community is known for their incredible Stupa. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A few of us headed over there to explore and grab some dinner at a famous tourist restaurant (we break […]

Happy Holi

This post is text-heavy because I didn’t bring my camera (for reasons that will be clear soon). You know those escape room companies that have sprung up like weeds around the US where you get locked in a room for a period of time and have to get out? That was basically Holi, but my […]

I’m doing just fine

Everything’s going really well here. It perhaps seems unbelievable, but the adjustment so far has been remarkably easy. It could be because I’m still in the honeymoon period, but I feel like I have a good sense of both the positives and negatives of my life. Anyway, here’s some short tales of my time so […]

Six Surprising Facts about the Fulbright House

The Fulbright House is the name of the apartment that Fulbrighters use when we are away from our villages and in a bigger city. For security purposes, I’m not going to show any pictures of the exterior, but it’s a nice, small apartment in a quiet community. 1. There are hot showers (sometimes). Hallelujah! I […]

A New City

It’s taken awhile to get settled in the city, and the adjustment process is ongoing, but the small victories each day feel good. I’ve really been enjoying the food here. Paneer (similar to cheese curds) is my thing, it turns out. And momos (Tibetan dumplings) are amazing and readily available. For some other wins: I got […]