Monthly Archives: May 26, 2017

A Day in the Life

Every day is different, especially in regards to the challenges and successes, but here’s a glimpse at today 4am: Get woken up by the rest of the family starting work. The women start each morning by wiping the floors with cow manure (since cows are gods in their religion) to welcome the gods into our home. […]

Hospitals: A Saga in Three Parts

In this week’s edition of “Katie does extreme things to entertain her friends,” I visit three hospitals in a 5 day period for you. You’re welcome. Let’s begin. Part one: the Health Post The first one was the local health post. It’s a beautiful building- the original health post was destroyed in the 2015 earthquake, […]

Day Two and Dog Bites

My second day in the village, I decided to go for a hike up to the next hill. The Himalayas were very clear that day, and I was eager to view them from a different perspective. I laced up my hiking boots and walked for around an hour until I reached the next peak over […]

My first day

When I arrived with the Fulbright program team in my new village, there was little fanfare. The village leaders and school staff expecting me had waited from 1pm, but at around 7:30, when the sun set, they gave up and went home. When we finally arrived at 8, I stood in front of the locked gates. […]

The Sacrificial Temple

Most Hindu temples I’ve been in have a light, joyful feeling to them; people greeting each other and feeding pigeons. Dakshinkali, the sacrificial temple, does not. The goddess worshiped here, Kali, is revered for her elimination of evil, and the temple’s atmosphere very much reflected that destructive nature of the goddess. The temple is open for sacrifices […]