Monthly Archives: October 25, 2017

Just Listen

This post deals with suicide. If you need help, please call the national suicide hotline: 1-800-273-TALK [8255].

A Resident in a Familiar Land

Have you ever had moments where changes that were so gradual all of a sudden became crystal clear? You can suddenly see how different you are now than you once were? I had that experience when my dad came to spend a few weeks with me. All of a sudden, I could see the changes […]

A Stranger in a Foreign Land

WARNING! Do not adjust your connection. I have temporarily taken over Katie’s blog as a guest blogger (I’m Katie’s dad, Mike). For those readers used to Katie’s insightful, informative posts, I must warn you that this isn’t going to be one of them. Instead, I’m going to offer some insights and a light-hearted look at […]

The Family’s Dog

When it was a puppy, my host sister found a dog with a long gash on its head. She nursed it back to health and begged her family to let her keep it. Today the dog has another scar on it’s forehead, from where the same host sister hit it with a broom handle to […]