Posts Categorized: Uncategorized

Behind the Fence

My school hosts the state’s only disability program, providing 24/7 care for students with disabilities until age 12 (after that, they can go to an expensive private school, but most of them drop out). There are 11 kids, ages 4-11 who live at my school during the school year. All of them are deaf or […]


World Water Day. I didn’t even know we had such a day. Did you know 6000 kids die a day due to a lack of water and the poor sanitation that follows? (source). That’s a staggering number to me. My village has giant billboards at the school, market, and health post talking about the importance of […]

Happy Holi

This post is text-heavy because I didn’t bring my camera (for reasons that will be clear soon). You know those escape room companies that have sprung up like weeds around the US where you get locked in a room for a period of time and have to get out? That was basically Holi, but my […]

Preparation (Or Lack Thereof)

This topic was a request, and I’ll admit I’m uneasy. My gut (I’m writing this from the airport, and I’m quite nervous) tells me I’m not really prepared, so giving advice or sharing my preparation practices seems indulgent. I believe you can never be fully prepared because you don’t really know what to expect when […]

Required Reading

Since I’m traveling right now and unable to blog, I thought I’d distract you. I wanted to include some of the books that have changed my life, in the hopes that they might do the same for you. These books all deal with human rights and hopefully bring a new light to issues. Feel free […]