Required Reading

  • Since I’m traveling right now and unable to blog, I thought I’d distract you. I wanted to include some of the books that have changed my life, in the hopes that they might do the same for you. These books all deal with human rights and hopefully bring a new light to issues. Feel free to share your own recommendations with me.


      • Behind the Beautiful Forevers, by Katherine Boo; this book is my go-to book to introduce people to Hindu culture or, moreover, a different perspective than their own. It factually presents a way of life that many people have never viewed with anything but pity.
      • The Beast: Riding the Rails and Dodging Narcos on the Migrant Trail, by Oscar Martinez; I’ve had the good fortune to teach immigrants and refugees, but I don’t think I would’ve ever started volunteering at the refugee center if I hadn’t read this. This book helps bring empathy into the way we view migrants.
      • Barbarian Days, by William Finnagan; This is one of my favorite memoirs. Well written but very accessible, the distinguished columnist describes his wayward youth that provided the foundation for his career success. One part of the book in particular really resonated with me personally, but I think it provides a relatable story of finding one’s self.
      • The Little Princes: One Man’s Promise to bring Home the Lost Children of Nepal, by Conor Grennan; this book had me hysterically laughing when I first read it, because it’s so relatable to my experiences abroad. It’s a moving story of an American who has made a big difference in the lives of so many.
      • The Tenth Parallel, by Eliza Griswold; a fascinating read that brings new light to the recent history of the Middle East and South Asia. THe book has won numerous awards for its scholarly research. It presents new facts and paints a picture of why certain political climates exist.
  • Articles

About the Author

Catherine (Katie) Klapheke

Fulbright Scholar to South/Central Asia. Passionate about women's rights and empowerment. Studied Labor Relations with concentrations in Social Statistics, Inequality Studies, Disability Studies, and Music at Cornell University. Double bassist, cook, and ESL teacher on the side.