Monthly Archives: November 29, 2017

Another Unexpected Post

I’m back! Just when you thought you could get rid of me, I’m sneaking another guest blog post in. That’s right, Katie’s dad here to rob you of a few more precious minutes of your time. Think of me as a bad rash—I may go away for a while, but I always return. When you […]

For Others

Remember the post about some difficult decisions I make each day? Well, that was a bit of a cop-out. There are real problems with major life impact that don’t have easy solutions. Here are some really challenging situations that have come up (as always, details have been changed): 1. I was sitting in the school’s […]

Things that Probably Only Happen to Me

As the title suggests, here are some things that I’m convinced only happen to me: 1. A group of old ladies show up at the public tap when I’m bathing to watch the American struggle. Gossiping to each other with cups of tea in hand, it’s like social hour for them. They sit on stone […]