Monthly Archives: September 20, 2017

Things Unseen

I face a number of situations every day where the correct response isn’t obvious (at least to me). The solutions may initially seem clear, but there are almost always cultural complications that I must keep in mind. I wrote down all of the challenges I faced one day. What would you have done? #1 Seven […]

A Week of Festivals

August through October is known as festival season in Nepal, and for good reason. We’ve had almost no school at all in the past few months, because it seems that every other day is a festival. One week, there was a festival every day. Day One The day was a festival where demons come out […]

A Home is a Home

It’s always intimidating walking up to my students’ homes. While I’m always excited to see my students in another context, I also dread being at the center of attention for a few hours. It’s always worth it. The students love it; when I tell them I’ll be coming to their house the next day, they […]