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Boys’ Club: Part Two

So we left off in Part I with this big breakthrough with my Dalit boys, when I showed them the pictures of my family. My mind was running. I was excited; I was hopeful. But I did nothing. When I play the bass, I know a split second before any listener if there’s going to […]

The Most Expensive Food

Note: In Nepali culture, once I touch a plate of food, I have to eat the whole thing. So if there is something that I don’t want to eat, I have to very carefully refuse to touch the plate. I was at a student’s house, sitting by the roaring fire in their kitchen. There was […]

A Week of Festivals

August through October is known as festival season in Nepal, and for good reason. We’ve had almost no school at all in the past few months, because it seems that every other day is a festival. One week, there was a festival every day. Day One The day was a festival where demons come out […]

A Home is a Home

It’s always intimidating walking up to my students’ homes. While I’m always excited to see my students in another context, I also dread being at the center of attention for a few hours. It’s always worth it. The students love it; when I tell them I’ll be coming to their house the next day, they […]

Stars and Dreams

I first came to Nepal four year ago. I was traveling with my sister after my project in India. We went rafting one day and afterwards the bus didn’t come for us. I remember asking a man when the bus was coming, and he said “maybe in five minutes, maybe in a day.” Eventually the […]