Posts Categorized: Pre-Departure

Here’s to Us

A few weeks after I had been notified that I was selected as a Fulbright grantee, my aunt sent me a new article about another Fulbrighter who would be joining me in Nepal. Heart racing, I analyzed that article the way a chess player does before taking a move. The Fulbrighter, J, had an impressive […]

Another Unexpected Post

I’m back! Just when you thought you could get rid of me, I’m sneaking another guest blog post in. That’s right, Katie’s dad here to rob you of a few more precious minutes of your time. Think of me as a bad rash—I may go away for a while, but I always return. When you […]

How It All Started

I was in the car, riding home from visiting my grandfather in the hospital when I blurted out to my cousin that I was applying for a Fulbright. It was the first time I had said those words aloud or even given an indication that I was doubting the path I had begun down. It was […]

Thank you.

It has taken a lot of people to get me to where I am right now. I am ceaselessly amazed at the generosity, support, and love bestowed upon me, and I have a lot of people to thank for that. To my family, thank you for everything that has led me to this point. Thank […]